Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little Update

Hi Everyone so we have found that we will be home until after the first of the year. I have decided to Pull the kids out of public school and home school until we are going to be somewhere permanate, they are vary excited. I really did not like the school we had them in in Nevada. All is well. I did a craft faire a couple of weeks ago and did really well at it. There are a few more coming up, I hope to do well at. We will probaly go get the Fifth wheel this weekend and bring it home. Well I will write more Later. Blessed Be

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Home for awhile

So were going home for awhile. We will probaly head that way Thursday or Friday. I miss everyone so it will be good to go viset. We will then most likely go to Carlsbad New Mexico after that. We'll see it seem's to change everyday. Keep in touch.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Flourite Collection

Blowing out his Candles

Roberts Birthday /Halloween

Roberts Birthday also Halloween, Was fun We went trick or treating, and then went out for Chinese, We came home and had cake. They all got almost a full bag of candy and we only went 10 blocks. Robert was a Motor Cross racer, Mack was a Knight, and Kevin was a Pirate. They were so cute.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Living in a Camper!

So we finally sold the house! YAY!! And now we are living in our fifthwheel, We still have our property to have a home base. But it is so nice to finally be done with that huge bill. I have painted the inside and made some curtains, I will post pics soon. The boys seem to like it ok. We might get to go to Winnamucca for a bit, Witch will be nice. SO keep in touch.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New creations on etsy!!

New skirts for sale on esty. I have been makeing lots of new stuff There is acouple of new necklaces on there too. I would also like to let everyone know about my sister Anna's etsy page, she makes th coolest hats. She also makes some really cool dream Catchers. Check her out at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Went home

So we went home for the weekend to finish moving our stuff to storage, and found that someone had been in our house and dug through a bunch of stuff, They took some of my house plants. I have a pretty good Idea of who it was. We were so tiered when we got back, That is such a long drive. I'm glad to be done with that house, I can't wait to start building our own in our design, it will still be off the grid, but it will be better built. I would really love to live like 50 miles from the nearest people, with no NEIGHBORS!!! You would think that people you have known your whole life would make good nieghbors, well they don't.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Love

Adam, This is my husband Adam. We love being togeather, no matter where we are, or what were doing, were always having fun togeather. In this picture he is showing me his new hat, he traded my sister for. She wantred a skirt really bad and the girl woulden't trade for a hat, so Adam traded with the girl and then with Anna. Adam Makes Walking Stafs, and anter beads. He is also a wonderful artist.


Family, This is my family at least most of them. We were at the Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming. They came from Northern Idaho and we came from Nevada. We met up and camped for a week. The kids ran wild and had a blast, Mack my oldest, is the only one of the kids who had ever been to one. In this picture is My beautiul sister Anna, her husband Matt, their baby Milo, Matt's brother and our friend Wintersun, and of course Adam, Me, and Our boys.